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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2016

Rez was pretty particular when it fifteen years ago came out on the Dreamcast

Rez was pretty particular when it fifteen years ago came out on the Dreamcast. On-rails shooters we saw at that time more often, but rarely they were so unique and as stylish as this musical masterpiece. Yet it seemed United Game Artists, such as Rez studios hot, never completely satisfied. The game was always real and immersive. Every sense was to be stimulated, and preferably in a way that melt impulses, to the point that you're going to see sound and can taste colors, or: Rez to approach the sense of synesthesia. To achieve this, the PS2 version of Rez came bundled with "Trance Vibrator" (yes, really) which measures shivered on the music and threw sequel Child of Eden thanks to the kinect physical exercise into the mix. But Rez remastered for VR achieves it really the original vision. Rez was pretty special, but VR is really unique. As mentioned Rez is an on-rails shooter and actually there in terms of mechanics also said everything. You simply fly along a predetermine

You could bet that there would be a horror game available at the launch of the PlayStation VR

You could bet that there would be a horror game available at the launch of the PlayStation VR. Here They Lie with the headset from Sony also this, but this title picks up something else than the average horror title. You are like protagonist looking for an old lover named Dana. You do this - as this is a horror game - not in a world of bright colors, but a city that seems to have become extinct at first sight and (especially at the beginning of the game) a lot Silent Hill-like vibe has . As you could tell from the previous line, so you are not alone in this mysterious city. The story around you in touch with someone over the phone and you'll soon hounded by people (animals) masks. There is no combat system in the game, so you're purely dependent on stealth. That works well in virtual reality, because you can now literally now to peek around the corner or there is something before you go running. Not everyone you meet is an enemy, just a handful of 'people' you attack. T

The creators call Thumper rhythmic violence and that's a damn good description

The creators call Thumper 'rhythmic violence "and that's a damn good description. Where most rhythm and music games a cheerful atmosphere in regimes Thumper provides only abstract, but oh so physical cosmic horror. If puny little beetle in a seemingly infinite space-coaster you stay only in life by clinging convulsively to your sense of rhythm. When you consider all this too is experiencing in VR, the experience is absolutely violent mention. Thumper VR Review In absolute basis Thumper is most like an endless runner, as you might play on your phone. Throughout the game you look into the distance to prepare for the next barrier. Using just one button and the arrows ram down your barriers, jump across hazard or scrape up against the wall, if not to fly off the road. This all begins quite simple, with little variation, but soon the series of obstacles are enormous hectic and complex. The dangers even follow each other in such rapid succession that the game would be almost unp

Where many PlayStation VR launch games are one-off experiences

Where many PlayStation VR launch games are one-off experiences, RIGS gives you plenty of reasons to return. Guerrilla Cambridge shows that core games work in virtual reality. Now they need to improve this successful formula. A first person shooter in VR seems like a no brainer. Yet it is more difficult than imagined, because walking in virtual reality can be very strange if your legs really do not move. You think you're in the game - you can really move your torso and your head - but you're actually on a chair, making your brain do not understand if you get feedback you walk in the game. Guerrillas solution is robots that you're in control and with levers, which is your DualShock 4 controller. At the beginning of every game you will be hoisted in one of four different types of RIGS. Each robot has a different rate and amount of armor. Especially important are the different jumps that they can perform. At a given moment you find out that some RIGS work better in certain mode

Because that does Rises as good as its predecessors: to give the comic reading batfan

"Victory defeated you," Bane manages to put it very aptly. Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) is a recluse, Batman is only remembered as the man who killed the hero Harvey Dent (as at the end of The Dark Knight) and there is a superficial peace in Gotham City. And 'superficial' you can literally take if you want. In this calm before the storm, the city has not need Batman, and even if it does so, Bruce Wayne is an old wreck of a man, a shadow of the legend that he single-handedly turned the neck and he would not Killer Moth yet lesson to learn. After an initial scene of Bond-like proportions (director Christopher Nolan pushes not hide that he wants 007 tackle once), which may have already seen the true fan, we are immersed in the peaceful Gotham. Known characters are reintroduced, new characters are introduced and while Hans Zimmer's music builds a subdued tension, you wait until the inevitable happens: the return of The Batman. First, however, we see Selina Kyle (Anne

In less than a year the incumbent Nintendo heroes like Mario and Link made their appearance

In less than a year the incumbent Nintendo heroes like Mario and Link made their appearance on the 3DS, whether it was a great original adventure like Super Mario 3D Land or excellent remake like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. How well those titles are, many people looked forward to the attempt by Nintendo to bring something completely new to the young handheld. We are talking about Kid Icarus Uprising. Although the franchise on paper for 25 years, the series has a new section known in over twenty years. The main character, the angel Pit, was secretly most famous for his role in the exciting chaos that Super Smash Bros. Brawl hot. Uprising represents a new start for the forgotten hero of an era in the distant past and is another milestone in the life of the 3DS. Nintendo once again proves to Fans and critics that its new handheld is suitable as a platform for the best handheld content available. Although the game has the necessary defects, Uprising is a great adventure and on

The German Speedlink has always been on the market of peripherals targeted

The German Speedlink has always been on the market of peripherals targeted and therefore glad to work with the release of hardware that is specifically aimed at gamers. Recently, therefore, the German hardware giant introduced its latest addition: the Speedlink Decus Respec mouse. An older model given a fresh new look. Or at least that it should be, because who puts the two mice together will have to look really anything more. Very briefly put it bluntly, I divide mice into two categories. The 'normal' mouse and the 'futuristic' mouse. Under the normal mouse 'includes models like the MX series Logitech, the DeathAdder Razer or SteelSeries Sensei: straightforward models. The futuristic mice are in my models with weird protuberances which the mice there is always something to look bloated and slow in my opinion. The Decus falls under the category of 'futuristic mouse. The model on the left side grooves for the thumb and the right side protrusions that make the thi

The great pleasure that the 3DS XL entails is already being felt in the unfolding of the thing

He is big, does not fit in the pocket and charger missing. The 3DS XL, a new version of Nintendo's handheld, the 3DS, it sounds that way but unattractive. However if you use a back, hand or shoulder and you're intelligent enough to buy the right accessories in the shop itself, the device is to use. The key question is of course: he is better than the 3DS? The great pleasure that the 3DS XL entails, is already being felt in the unfolding of the thing. He immediately stands firmly in game mode and also if you want it flatter, he remains firmly in the desired position. When the 3DS did feel that the upper portion half loose and onrepareerbaar is broken if you have an awkward moment, but the 3DS XL debunks it. We got him, of course, do not drop to the ground in the test, but if we did, ran the firm better than its predecessor. Anyhow, the XL version easily be described in one word: sturdy. He is matte, large, slightly heavier and firm. He is well in hand by the rounded corners that

Brave is Pixar's attempt to tell a really traditional Disney fairy and conquer a position within

Brave is Pixar's attempt to tell a really traditional Disney fairy and conquer a position within the lucrative Disney Princesses franchise. For fans of the first hour feels maybe like a master chef to make an ordinary hamburger. But if someone knows something to surprise it's Pixar, right? Sorry. Despite many fresh ingredients, the Brave citizens burnt onto our plates. Merida Merida is the firstborn daughter of King Fergus bears. Under the rules of Pixar Scotland this means that the other three major clans of their firstborn son may offer to her. She can not decide who to choose her prince, only what needs to be kept for competition to determine the winner. Obviously Merida still has no desire to marry. She would like almost all the famous Disney princesses remain independent and enjoy it as long as possible her freedom. Moreover, her genteel mother Elinor makes the life of a queen is not very attractive because of its constant meddling. When she hits all targets in an archery

Then came Risen another game with an authentic atmosphere that fans of the RPG genre servants

We know all of Piranha Bytes Gothic, an RPG set of three games (let's developed by Spellbound Entertainment Gothic 4 but just do not count) in a dark fantasy world with a healthy amount of free roaming. Although the games that had their flaws, the series was loved by a hardcore fan base. Piranha Bytes if you let those people obviously not ignore. Then came Risen, another game with an authentic atmosphere that fans of the RPG genre servants at their beck and call. And well, if you have success with a new franchise, then you there as well by building, right? But Piranha Bytes is not crazy. They felt that there was a certain amount of variation or on his place. So replace the medieval era with that of exploration, Mieter a pile of muskets and flintlocks in and throw magic (almost) overboard. What do you get? Pirates. The intro scene of Risen 2: Dark Waters lets the player experience the Titan Lords, a kind of supreme beings who created the world with the gods. The Lords gasped in time

Sometimes you come across a movie from which you can see from the title that it is not Oscar

Sometimes you come across a movie from which you can see from the title that it is not Oscar material. We do not even mention examples, because you have just found yourself a. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter summarizes the plot along in its title: the sixteenth President of the United States secretly turned out to be a vampire hunter. It's true, because Abe wrote it himself in his diary! The film begins with Abraham Lincoln in his childhood. He tries to protect a slave, so the owner takes out on his irritation Abe's parents. The slave trader appears to be a vampire and sneaks in at night their house to poison the boy's mother. Years later, when Lincoln is already a tall guy (played by Benjamin Walker) he buys a gun to avenge his mother. Surprisingly, it goes pretty bad, but Abe is fortunately rescued by vampire hunter Henry Sturges (Dominic Cooper). Together they hold a training montage and then kill vampires can really begin. The resistance is enormous, because the whole C

What if our high school system was just so competitive as that in the United States

What if our high school system was just so competitive as that in the United States? Suppose we had elections that we koppeltje popular school for Prom King and Queen topped or the most wisecracking student gave the title Class President? Then Dutch puberego were magnified up and we'd all learn early to cope with the competitive society in which we live. Probably was therefore in your classroom someone like Mavis Gary, a popular bitch who grows into a bitter bitch. Mavis (Charlize Theron) sits in her apartment in Minneapolis, writing in the final part in a series Twilight-like teen books in which she relives her heyday. Earlier, in high school, Mavis was in fact popular, sought after and simply fantastic. Now she is a bit lonely and it seems that they're not going to be happier than she was during her adolescent years (though they likely would put her favorite Hello Kitty shirt on fire before that one of them would admit it). When she finds out that her boyfriend from high scho

If there is one important lesson to be learned from all science fiction films that we may see

If there is one important lesson to be learned from all science fiction films that we may see, then it is that we better not look forward to the future. With few exceptions (eg Demolition Man ... in a sense) the future images which are scooped in movies are in fact not particularly bright and sunny, not to mention all forgiven by zombies and post-apocalyptic outlook. In Children of Men, there are no children (though that may sound to some paradise in the ears). In The Matrix everyone lives in an illusion or in an underground zweethok. In Minority Report you'll be arrested for something you have not done. In Idiocracy everyone is retarded. In Planet of the Apes Earth is populated by ... er, I leave that movie but do not go spoilen. In the remake of Total Recall we end up in an overcrowded former Australia called The Colony, imaged with a generic, gray and depressed stijltje. Indeed, not a happy lot. That while the original Total Recall 1990, directed by Paul Verhoeven, one of those

Wrath of the Titans is the sequel to Clash of the Titans remake from 2010

Wrath of the Titans is the sequel to Clash of the Titans remake from 2010. Despite the scale of the film and the return of a large part of the talented cast, the film offers even more entertainment than its predecessor. It has become the kind of end that some more artistic filmmakers and viewers like to imagine a movie audience: bloated but meaningless, action-packed but never really exciting. The story of Wrath takes ten years off after the events of Clash of the Titans. Perseus (Sam Worthington), a demigod and son of Zeus, trying just as in the first part to build a quiet life as a fisherman. The thunder (again played by Liam Neeson) visits Perseus and warns him that the power of the gods to decelerate is. People no longer believe in them and therefore do not pray. That while the gods since the beginning of time have to protect humanity against the titan Cronos. Zeus wants to Titan once and for all destroy but needs the help of his brother Hades (Ralph Fiennes). The underworld god be

That is the setting of Deadlight Randall Wayne if you go looking for your missing wife and daughter

A world that is lost in a zombie epidemic. That is the setting of Deadlight. Randall Wayne if you go looking for your missing wife and daughter. By hospitals, military camps and even the sewer, you will have to find a way past many shadows. But most people will call the spade a more familiar name: zombies. When starting the game, the tone has been put. The title screen shows gray colors and an almost deserted street, apart from the zombies that stumble across the street. Then there's the dreary music that clearly indicates that there is little hope for a good future. As mentioned step into the shoes of Wayne Randall (Randy for friends), a man looking for his wife and daughter. That quest you will have to perform in the beautifully designed world of Deadlight. The game uses an interaction between the shadows on the foreground and detailed images in the background. While playing makes the gameplay reminds me back to classics of many years. Flashback, the old Prince of Persia, but als