In less than a year the incumbent Nintendo heroes like Mario and Link made their appearance

In less than a year the incumbent Nintendo heroes like Mario and Link made their appearance on the 3DS, whether it was a great original adventure like Super Mario 3D Land or excellent remake like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. How well those titles are, many people looked forward to the attempt by Nintendo to bring something completely new to the young handheld. We are talking about Kid Icarus Uprising.

Although the franchise on paper for 25 years, the series has a new section known in over twenty years. The main character, the angel Pit, was secretly most famous for his role in the exciting chaos that Super Smash Bros. Brawl hot. Uprising represents a new start for the forgotten hero of an era in the distant past and is another milestone in the life of the 3DS. Nintendo once again proves to Fans and critics that its new handheld is suitable as a platform for the best handheld content available. Although the game has the necessary defects, Uprising is a great adventure and one that sets an impressive world within a franchise that many thought they would never see them anymore.

The game was developed by Masahiro Sakurai, creator of Super Smash Bros., and Project Sora development. Uprising is a hybrid on-rails shooter with parts in the air, and third person action on the ground. The game makes a clear distinction between the two concepts and both are well developed. Pit takes on at a hefty stream of enemies that are as strange as aggressive and shoot them out of the sky on his way to the final boss of the level. Following the example of other great 3DS titles like 3D Land and Resident Evil Revelations, Uprising, the concept compact. Most levels can be played in about ten minutes, where there are multiple checkpoints are. The game is self-aware. It understands that players as many enemies try to shoot down before they have to rush to their important meeting or next class.

Uprising also shows that it is self-aware through the grand, but slight storyline. Although it is about "the end of the world" scenarios in the campaign of about twelve hours, the heroes and enemies are very generous, as they occasionally give useful tips - but above all very personal and amusing. The conversations that occur, can be counted among the best moments in the game, since the characters know they are in a game, so grab the attention of the player. Unfortunately, the chatter can sit the game in the way. Although references to Nintendogs and other notable statements are entertaining, it distracts. It happens sometimes that you miss important things, or rather by a striking remark a projectile can not see coming.

Although the base two concepts share the same goal - all shot down in your path - the sections on the ground and in the air distinctly different experiences, not only conceptually but also in terms of control. In the air, players will have the control over the aiming and the physical position of Pit, wherein the forward speed is automatically determined. Since your on-rails plays, you can focus on shooting and moving between the many enemies. Although we did this in other games have already seen, including the Star in this case Fox series from Nintendo, knows the developer to create a breathtaking speed and combine it with varied and impressive environments. The characters and enemies are technically not so impressive when you compare it with Revelations, but the artistic creativity can relate with Mario 3D Land and other high quality material that is now available on the 3DS.

The simplicity of the air bearing portions certainly at and hold the attention of the player. They never do more than they should and therefore are consistently impressive. On the ground Uprising has more trouble. In the standard controller to use the Circle Pad to move Pit and stylus as well as to aim to move the camera. As you can imagine, holding the 3DS in one hand is not exactly comfortable. Granted, Project Sora offers alternative control and more options than any handheld game whatsoever. Support for left-handed gamers is available and players can even customize individual buttons so they can change almost any element that they can think of (minus the second analog stick, which is not implemented).

There's only one problem: The game is designed to be played with a stylus. The gameplay requires such precision and rapid adjustment. Although it does not really notice during the parts in the air, it is necessary during the weldegelijk ground portions. Dodging opponents, turning the camera and pointing his skills you need to perform consistently and at the same time. The game design of Uprising is brilliant and the base has a control found that works. It's just not comfortable to actually play. Pondering how to grab a handheld to play good, is absurd. The included stand does not help much, since players need to have a solid base, but also one on a great height.

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