Rez was pretty particular when it fifteen years ago came out on the Dreamcast
Rez was pretty particular when it fifteen years ago came out on the Dreamcast. On-rails shooters we saw at that time more often, but rarely they were so unique and as stylish as this musical masterpiece. Yet it seemed United Game Artists, such as Rez studios hot, never completely satisfied. The game was always real and immersive. Every sense was to be stimulated, and preferably in a way that melt impulses, to the point that you're going to see sound and can taste colors, or: Rez to approach the sense of synesthesia. To achieve this, the PS2 version of Rez came bundled with "Trance Vibrator" (yes, really) which measures shivered on the music and threw sequel Child of Eden thanks to the kinect physical exercise into the mix. But Rez remastered for VR achieves it really the original vision. Rez was pretty special, but VR is really unique. As mentioned Rez is an on-rails shooter and actually there in terms of mechanics also said everything. You simply fly along a predetermine...